This is the best hair I have ever had!

Hello everyone. I must share!

This wonderful hair was purchased in  16/18/20. I installed it as a u-part wig. It is Malaysian virgin hair. Here is the link to the page, however it says no longer available! I purchased the hair May 13, 2012 and installed it July 12, 2012, so I have had it in for almost a month. Feels like so much longer.

The hair came out to $146 with FREE SHIPPING!

I am 5’8 and the hair reaches almost to my waistline fully straightened. I installed the 20in on the bottom, 18in in the middle and 16in at the top. I have not layered or cut this hair at all. The hair DOES NOT SHED AND DOES NOT TANGLE. As I stated in the video, in total since I have had it in my hair, washed it and installed, I have gotten maybe 15-20 strands of shedding MAX. None of that tangling in the back of the nape and I SLEEP IN THIS HAIR EVERY NIGHT!!. YES!!

I am sooooooooooo happy with this purchase and hope this vendor continues to supply good hair. Like I said I was soooooooo disappointed with it when I first got it but dyed it and all was good in the neighborhood! Here are some photos

This is the hair after dyeing it/washing it, in its “natural state”
This was the first time I straightened the hair
Here is a picture of my U-part parting
Straight hair, Vampire Indya 🙂
The hair straightens beautifully, and it is full
Natural State

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