It Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC Cream in Rich (for Dark Skin)

I’m not usually one to fall for infomercials… but I fell for it. I saw an infomercial for IT Cosmetics Your Skin but Better CC Cream with SPF 50 first at home, and then on a plane. I took that as a sign that I needed it! I was delighted when I saw that it was offered in a tone for darker toned women.

And then this… 

Alas! My excitement was short lived. Once again, I had counted my chickens and was left disappointed. However, I was very impressed with the coverage. As you can see from below, it fully covers my tattoo! 

But as soon as I put it on my face, I immediately thought of that scene from The Office, when Darryl booed Michael to show him how it would feel to be boo’d. He didn’t like it at all. That’s how I felt about this CC cream. 🙁

Booooooooo! Boooooooooo!

I decided to let it dry down a bit and apply some powder over it, but still it looked pasty on me. I really couldn’t help but notice that the CC cream had great coverage and my skin felt pretty smooth. It’s no Make Up For Ever Mat Velvet+ (photos here), but it’s pretty darn close. I was going to return it, but because I like the coverage so much, I might just keep it and buy those Cover FX Custom Color drops. I just hate that I have to buy something else to make this work. 

Did I learn a lesson here? Not really. I looked all over and couldn’t find a proper review on this CC cream in this color. So for those of you out there that was wondering about this, here ya go!

I will keep you all updated on the drops experiment, if that happens.





  1. Antoinette Maurita
    January 9, 2017 / 8:43 am

    Hi… Did you ever try the drops in It Cosmetics CC cream? I'd really like to use mine but I had the same problem as you.


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