Into the Badlands ‘The Widow’ Inspired Hairstyle

Soooo, I have just recently started watching Into the Badlands. The first season is on Netflix (you’re welcome) and the second season has just gotten started. What’s this got to do with anything? It’s got some great hairstyles in the series! My favorites are worn by one of the Baron’s called The Widow, played by Emily Beecham.. I re-created (sort of) one of her hairstyles and wanted to show it off!

I was just saying I’m tired of these bangs until I saw her with them. Hers are a bit longer, but that’s ok! Many people gave me compliments on this hairstyle! I certainly feel like a warrior princess with this style.

All I did was take a third of the hair at the top (no need to measure it, part of its appeal is how messy it looks) and wrapped it up in a bun. I secured the bun with hairpins to conceal the hair tie. Finally, I made loose curls on the leave-out with my 1 1/2 inch barrel Conair curling iron.

I think I’ll keep the bangs a little while longer. 😊




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